


With so much waste and so many disposable things in today’s world it can be a challenge finding things that stand up to the demands of everyday use. Single use items fill up our landfills daily and it seems that more and more cities are deciding to limit their recycling programs or in some cases suspend them entirely. Even in cities that do offer recycling, many people don't actually do it. In this seemingly endless mountain of trash, we see the potential to make high-quality items that will get everyday use and last for generations.

Handmade Recycled was created from a love of recycling and the desire to make useful items with little waste generated in the process. We started out cutting wine bottles and carving things from fallen trees, and that’s still what we do today. It’s not just a business - it’s a lifestyle. We actually have the original prototypes for every product that we sell and we use them in our own home. We know they’re awesome because we use them everyday. We hope they get plenty of use in your home too.